

Public display of video art in the windows of Centraal Museum.

Public display of video art in the windows of Centraal Museum.

On account of the refurbishment works currently taking place in Centraal Museum, Raamwerk is temporarily unavailable. The refurbishment is due to last until the spring of 2023.

Centraal Museum has installed six LED screens behind six windows in the façade of the Neogothic building, suitable for tailormade video art works. This form of exhibition is a nod to the Gothic tradition of stained glass windows, and it reflects the museum’s ambition to also make its mark outside the museum walls.

Since it is an unusual exhibition form, we ask artists to create a new work or to adapt an existing work specifically for the façade. Also, the work should somehow connect with the theme of the main exhibition currently on display inside the museum. It means that various works are displayed consecutively three times a year, in tandem with the duration of the main exhibition. Some of these video productions are acquired for the Centraal Museum collection.

In the intervening periods, when the exhibition galleries are being prepared for a new exhibition and no associated video work can be displayed yet, the museum shows the Raamwerk collection in a carrousel. Every day another work is displayed, and in this way the steadily growing collection can be displayed time and again. The Raamwerkcarrousel pays tribute to the museum’s colourful, varied, kaleidoscopic collection.

Go here for current and upcoming exhibitions and here for the exhibition archive.