
11 artists, 11 new art works in the museum garden


Oct 29, 2022 — Jan 8, 2023


11 artists, 11 new art works in the museum garden

This autumn, Centraal Museum’s garden will have a temporary make-over, courtesy of artists’ collective OGENBLIKSEM. They created new works specifically for the recesses that line the outside of the building.

11 artists, 11 new art works

In 2014 artists Chantal Breukers and Jans Muskee invited a group of friends to collaborate on an exhibition together.For their third show, PJ Roggeband, a fan of eleven-letter words, devised a name for the group: OGENBLIKSEM, a fusion of the Dutch words ‘ogenblik’ = moment, and ‘bliksem’ = lightning. And so a motto was born: eleven letters, eleven artists, eleven exhibitions. For each edition, the core group has invited one guest artist: the eleventh player. This exhibition at the Centraal Museum is the collective’s eleventh and last show. Each of the artists has created new works especially for the niches in the outer walls of the stables exhibition space.

In addition to the core group of Dick van Berkum, Margo van Berkum, Chantal Breukers, Marit Dik, Rosa Everts, Harm Hajonides, Sabine Liedtke, Jans Muskee, Marisa Rappard and PJ Roggeband, the eleventh player for this final edition is Kiana Girigorie.