Modern Love (or Love in the Age of Cold Intimacies)

The imagination of love today in cooperation with IMPAKT.


Nov 3, 2021 — Feb 6, 2022

Modern Love (or Love in the Age of Cold Intimacies)

The imagination of love today in cooperation with IMPAKT.

In a time of globalization, digitization, capitalism and neoliberalism the interpretation of intimate relationships is being reshaped. There is more alienation and loneliness, but also more room for an urbanized, digitally networked lifestyle. How does this affect emotion, intimacy and love?

In Modern Love (or Love in the Age of Cold Intimacies) meaningful relationships and experiences are explored in the light of increasing digital interactions and physical distance. Surprising connections are made in the form of installations and various works from the permanent collection. Modern and old works by J.H. Moesman, Marlene Dumas and Hendrick Bloemaert are presented alongside recent acquisitions of contemporary works by Nina Farkache, Sanam Khatibi and Rory Pilgrim. These form the stage for Guilty Landscapes 4 (2016) by Dries Verhoeven, whose work can only be seen during the festival (3 to 7 November). It is followed by Night Soil: Economy of Love (2015) by Melanie Bonajo. In addition, installations by David Haines, Marge Monko, Peter Puklus and Hannah Toticki can be viewed.

The exhibition is curated by the Greek curator Katerina Gregos and has previously been shown in Freiburg (DE) and Tallinn (ES). The exhibition is now visiting Utrecht as part of the IMPAKT Festival. The group exhibition is organized by IMPAKT [Center for Media Culture], located at 4 Lange Nieuwstraat. Some of the works can be viewed there, the other part can be seen in the Centraal Museum. Click here for more information.