

Curator Carla de Jonge's close commitment to the organisation of the Costumes of our Ancestors exhibition in 1936 enabled her to see the possibility of expanding the museum's collection after the exhibition series had finished. This dress with Irish crochet was donated at de Jonge's request in 1937. The dress still appeals to the imagination today and shows perfectly how fashion repeats itself. Just as it was more than 100 years ago, white is popular in the summer of 2017 and lace is once again in fashion on the catwalk and in the shops.


Curator Carla de Jonge's close commitment to the organisation of the Costumes of our Ancestors exhibition in 1936 enabled her to see the possibility of expanding the museum's collection after the exhibition series had finished. This dress with Irish crochet was donated at de Jonge's request in 1937. The dress still appeals to the imagination today and shows perfectly how fashion repeats itself. Just as it was more than 100 years ago, white is popular in the summer of 2017 and lace is once again in fashion on the catwalk and in the shops.

This object is now not on display in the museum





ca. 1910

Material and technique

katoen batist, metaal; kloskant, Iers gehaakt

Object number


Object type

dameskleding, japon, jurk


schenking 1937


lengte middenachter 153 cm

mouwlengte 49 cm

taillewijdte 64 cm

zoomwijdte 310 cm

hoogte 149 cm

breedte 52 cm

diepte 1 cm

Inscriptions and markings

  • opschrift op bandje in de linkermouw (in inkt): mej. A. van Perski


  • De costuumverzameling in het Centraal Museum 1750-1930 : gids en catalogus, (Utrecht, 1947), cat. nr. 142, pp. 50, 59, afb. fotomap nr. 14

  • Een eeuw Nederlandsche Mode, C.H. de Jonge, (Amsterdam, 1941), p. 202, afb. nr. 114

  • Mode en kostuums, Hanneke Adriaans, Saskia Kuus, (Utrecht, 1996), p. 286, cat. nr. 94, met afb.


  • Uit de Mode, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 2017

  • Arnhem 1911, Gemeentemuseum Arnhem, Arnhem, 1961

  • Het costuum onzer voorouders 1750-1915, Volksuniversiteit Rotterdam, Rotterdam, 1936

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