Bank 'The Cross'

Bank 'The Cross'

<P class=HoofdtekstA style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-pagination: none; tab-stops: 35.4pt 70.8pt 106.2pt 141.6pt 177.0pt 212.4pt 247.8pt 283.2pt 318.6pt 354.0pt 389.4pt 424.8pt 456.6pt"><SPAN lang=EN-GB style='FONT-FAMILY: "Courier New"; mso-bidi-font-family: "Helvetica Neue"; mso-ansi-language: EN-GB'>Richard Hutten’s designs are functional, conceptual and humorous. A good example of these characteristics is this bench called <I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">The Cross</I>. Hutten made the bench for a furniture fair in Verona, for which designers were asked to make works inspired by Italy. Hutten chose a political approach with his design. <I>The Cross</I> and <I>S(h)it On It</I> were a commentary on Italian politics. The cross symbolises the close connection between the Catholic Church and Italian politics. The swastika refers to Fascism. Viewers might ask themselves: what do these two have in common? </SPAN><SPAN lang=EN-GB style='FONT-FAMILY: "Courier New"; mso-ansi-language: EN-GB; mso-fareast-font-family: "Courier New"'><?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>


Richard Hutten’s designs are functional, conceptual and humorous. A good example of these characteristics is this bench called The Cross. Hutten made the bench for a furniture fair in Verona, for which designers were asked to make works inspired by Italy. Hutten chose a political approach with his design. The Cross and S(h)it On It were a commentary on Italian politics. The cross symbolises the close connection between the Catholic Church and Italian politics. The swastika refers to Fascism. Viewers might ask themselves: what do these two have in common?

This object is now not on display in the museum


Bank 'The Cross'




Material and technique

esdoornhout; berkenmultiplex; pvc-coating op polyether

Object number


Object type

meubel, bank


aankoop 1997


hoogte 72.5 cm

breedte 114 cm

diepte 193.5 cm

Inscriptions and markings

  • opschrift onderzijde bank op een aluminium plaatje (gedrukt): [vignet met afb. van gebogen mannetje] Richard Hutten PO Box 6005 - 3002 AA Rotterdam, tel. 010-4770665 fax 010-4377891 date 1994 s/no3

  • beeldmerk onderzijde lange zitvlakken (gebrand): gebogen mannetje


De bank is gemaakt voor een beurs in Verona, Italië samen met 'S(h)it on it' als commentaar op de politieke situatie in Italë. Met deze banken wilde Hutten de dominante factoren in de 20ste eeuwse geschiedenis symboliseren: katholicisme en fascisme. Alleen de kruisbank werd geproduceerd.


  • A human touch : every product tells a story, ed. Renny Ramakers, (Amsterdam, 2006), verg. pp. 96-97, afb. in kleur

  • Droog & Dutch Design : from product to fashion : the collection of the Centraal Museum, Utrecht, [voorw. Sjarel Ex]. [samenst. Ida van Zijl, José Teunissen], (Utrecht, 2000), p. 66, afb. in kleur

  • Droog Design 1991-1996, Ida van Zijl ; foto's Maurice Boyer, (Utrecht, 1997), pp. 56-57; p. 2-3, 4-5, 10, 17 afb.


  • Droog Design, Trapholt Museum, Kolding, 2001

  • Droog & Dutch design, OZONE, Living Design Center, Tokyo, 2000

  • Droog Design 1991-1996, een begrip in de Nederlandse vormgeving, Stedelijk Museum Roermond, Roermond, 1998

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