Eva rijkt Adam de appel (de geschiedenis van de eerste ouders van de mens)

Eva rijkt Adam de appel (de geschiedenis van de eerste ouders van de mens)

<p style="margin:0cm;font-size:12pt;font-family:Calibri, sans-serif;"><span lang="EN-US">In this suite of engravings, the Utrecht-based painter Abraham Bloemaert has depicted various key scenes from the Book of Genesis. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve live in harmony with each other, the world and nature. Here they are protected from mortality, work and knowledge. After the Fall, they have to take care of their own garden and shape their own world. Bloemaert makes that transition very clear. Under a stormy sky, the couple is expelled from the lush, sunny garden, into a rugged landscape, where Adam is shown digging and Eve spinning wool. Bloemaert thus emphasises the link between the expulsion from Paradise and the need to perform hard labour. The Garden of Eden is thus linked to the dawn of human history.</span></p>

In this suite of engravings, the Utrecht-based painter Abraham Bloemaert has depicted various key scenes from the Book of Genesis. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve live in harmony with each other, the world and nature. Here they are protected from mortality, work and knowledge. After the Fall, they have to take care of their own garden and shape their own world. Bloemaert makes that transition very clear. Under a stormy sky, the couple is expelled from the lush, sunny garden, into a rugged landscape, where Adam is shown digging and Eve spinning wool. Bloemaert thus emphasises the link between the expulsion from Paradise and the need to perform hard labour. The Garden of Eden is thus linked to the dawn of human history.

This object is now not on display in the museum


Eva rijkt Adam de appel (de geschiedenis van de eerste ouders van de mens)


Abraham Bloemaert (ontwerper) (Gorinchem 1566 - 1651 Utrecht)

Jan Saenredam (graveur) (Zaandam 1565 - 1607 Assendelft)


1604 - 1604

Material and technique

gravure; gravure (1e staat); gegraveerd

Object number


Object type

prent, gravure


aankoop 1960


hoogte (blad) 27.8 cm

breedte (blad) 20 cm

Inscriptions and markings

  • signatuur en opschrift r.o. in beeld : A. Bloemaert. Inue. // J. Saenredam sculp. // 3

  • onderschrift l.o. beeld : Ambitiosa fames, vetitique insana cupido, // Stultaq[-] credulitas stygio inspirata draconi (boven de q van Stultaq een liggend streepje)

  • onderschrift r.o. beeld : Letharunt mortale genus, cum perfida pellex // Ausa est fatales decerpere ab arbore fructus


(herkomst) afkomstig van Coll. Rev. G. Burgleigh James

More of the same motif

bijbelse voorstelling, Adam en Eva, de appel


nr. 3 uit een serie van 6 gravures voorstellende "De Geschiedenis van onze eerste ouders" (inv. nrs. 12730, 12731, 12732, 12734, 12736 en 12738). De hele serie bevindt zich in de collectie van het Centraal Museum.

zie ook inv. nr. 12733: spiegelbeeldige kopie naar deze gravure, uitgegeven door Marcus Sadeler


  • Abraham Bloemaert and his sons, Marcel G. Roethlisberger, Marten Jan Bok, (Doornspijk, 1993), dl. I, cat. nr. 74; dl. II, afb. 129

  • Dutch and Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts, ca. 1450-1700, volume II, F.W.H. Hollstein, Amsterdam, p. 68, nr. 517 (3)

  • Dutch and Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts, ca. 1450-1700, volume XXIII, F.W.H. Hollstein, p. 7, nr. 3


  • De botanische revolutie, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 2021 - 2022

  • Krassen en strepen, tekeningen en prenten Oude Kunst uit eigen bezit, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 1997

  • Het Huis van Bloemaert, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 1996

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