Marco Grob

Marco Grob

Business director of the Centraal Museum since 2009.

Business director of the Centraal Museum since 2009.

Marco Grob has been the business director of the Centraal Museum since 2009. Prior to joining the Centraal Museum he was the business director and acting director of the Museum Arnhem.

In addition to business director of the Centraal Museum, he is:

  • Treasurer of the Focus Arnhem cinema
  • Treasurer of Museumregister foundation
  • Chairman of Stichting Utrechtse Musea
  • Member of the board of Centrum Management Utrecht
  • Member of the Dutch Museums Association collective labour agreement negotiation committee
  • Chairman of the 'Toekomst van werken in een museum' ('Future of working in a museum') supervisory committee - Dutch Museums Association